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时间:2015-03-29 12:06| 点击: 次 | 责任编辑:红警之家 | 来源:www.uc129.com

Garrisons are the prime tools of map-control. Just look at Battlebase Beta

Industrial Strength, Cabana Republic and Snow Plow. On BBB the garrisons in the center lock down half of the map in favor of the holding player. The situation on Cabana is comparable. On Industrial Strength there are also very strong, central garrisons as well as the garrisons near the land expansions which dominate those choke points. On Snow Plow and Temple Prime garrisons are optimal anti-eco-harassment tools.


What makes garrisons so important? A garrison is a container of units. As long as they are in the garrison, they deal the same damage but can take a lot more hits.

At the cost of immobilising the occupants a garrison increases health,extents range and increases the sight radius.

The first two bold features make it a perfect map-controller.
The third feature makes garrisons great area-monitoring scouts(!!)


5. Skill 技巧

Skill is another hidden resource. There is only one way gathering it: Practice! You can read as many theoretical guides as you want. It's not going to help you at all if you don't play and apply your knowledge. There are players who are afraid of confrontation or too comfortable to take the heart-beat increase and too lazy to afford the concentration playing takes. They may think 'nah I prefer watching how pros play and read guides'. That's not going to help. RTS is e-sports. Sports require training. A lot of Americans watch Baseball, but how many can actually play it? Those who watch it and train or those who only watch?



At the beginning of this blog you learned that units are money. Apart from the things we've already talked about, that means one more thing: that an economical advantage over your opponent entails more units than your opponent. That relation is reversible. If you can use your units better than your opponent you can compensate an economical disadvantage, as you simply destroy everything in which your opponent invested his extra funds.


The winner of a game is decided by a huge variety of little things that add up on the whole. These things are strategy-execution, expansion-timing, scouting, anti-scouting, harassment-timing, strategic transitioning, tech-timing, mistake-exploitation, distraction-timing (goes along with pretty much all the other things mentioned here), micromanagement (ability-timing, formation, focus distraction, focus fire, kiting, flank-timing) and many many other things.

