原作者:Couch Usually, guides on GR are practice-orientated. You learn how to do things. It's questionable whether this is a guide that exists to teach you something. I would rather say that it is an essay that will hopefully change your view on things. GR上的指导贴通常定位于实践,让你学会怎样做什么。所以你可能会质疑,这是否也是一篇有过的指南,来教你做什么。我想说,这是一篇我希望能改变你对某事情看法的文章。 There are two 'obvious' resources in RA3: Apart from credits there's also power. By definition resources are means of payment whose gathering and spending is up to you to manage. Now if we take this definition we see that it doesn't restrict to whether the resource is concrete or abstract or if it even is just something figurative. Ra3里有两种“明显的”资源:资金和电力。根据定义,资源是指一种由你管理收集和消费的事物。如果据此定义我们可以看到,资源不仅仅局限于可见或不可见的资源,甚至包括某种象征意义上的资源。 So yeah, you guessed it, there are things which behave just like resources and they are what this guide will be about. 所以呢,你应该猜到了,这篇指南所要涉及到的,是那些表现得像资源的东西。 1. Latent credits 潜在的资金 Units are invested credits. See them as credits that are given abilities. Of course the same applies to buildings and defense structures and whatever else that costs credits. On the other hand you can view credits as potential units. In theory credits and units are the same thing. Units are credits with power and credits are potential units. 单位是我们投资出去的资金,应当把他们与资金同等看待,当然用于建造建筑防御性建筑和其他花费资金的地方也一样。另一方面你也可以把资金看作是潜在的单位。理论上资金和单位就是同一件事物,单位就是资金,资金和电力就是单位。 The reason I make this equation is the following. If you waste a unit, you waste credits. If you spend credits on the wrong unit, you wasted those credits which transforms into you could have spent it on a more effective unit which equals wasting a unit - so, you can see that it can be transformed back and forth. 面是我把他们划等号的原因。如果你没有充分利用你的单位,你就浪费了资金。如果你把资金用在了不该出的单位上,你就浪费了这些资金,而这些资金本可以被用在建造更有用的单位,也就相当于损失了单位。所以你看他们之间是可以相互转换的。 Let's look at examples. Training a Peacekeeper when you get attacked by Tanks is a wasted unit as it can't be used and therefore it's wasted money..... - that is fairly obvious. 来看一个例子,出一个PK来抵挡坦克的攻击相当于没出,因为PK在此毫无用武之地,也就相当于浪费了这些资金,这非常明显~ If there's a situation where you have a Naval Yard and your opponent has no structures in the water, several things can happen: It is a good thing if you only built it so your opponent thinks that you perhaps have sub-surfaced naval units in the water and expanding to water would be just suicide. Noobish would be actually building those units. 想一下这样的情形,你有一个船厂,而你的对手没有任何水面建筑,可能发生以下情况:因为你出了船厂,所以你的对手很可能会认为你有水面下的海军单位,所以向海里发展是自寻死路—这是比较好的情况。但只有菜鸟才会真正出这些没有意义的单位。 This section is to teach you totry and never sacrifice a unit before it could cause an effect equal to its own value - whether that may be dealt damage, gathered information or collected resources - otherwise it's wasted money. 这部分会告诉你一定不要让这个单位在发挥低于其本身价值的作用之前损失掉,无论这个单位是发挥造成伤害,收集信息或者采集资源的作用,否则就是在浪费钱。 |