Minecraft我的世界Java版1.13-pre3更新内容!Minecraft 1.13 仍未发布,1.13-pre3 为其第 45 个预览版。本次的更新依旧是众多bug的修复,以及一些优化。
Lots and lots of bug fixes!
多达一吨的 bug 修复!
Some optimizations!
Bug 修复:
MC-131706 - Water doesn't destroy carpet
MC-131706 - 水不会破坏地毯
MC-131633 - Mobs get stuck on carpet
MC-131633 - 生物会被困在地毯上
MC-131458 - Cobwebs don't appear on maps
MC-131458 - 蜘蛛网不会出现在地图上
MC-131419 - Squids, fish, and dolphins don't suffocate on land
MC-131419 - 鱿鱼,鱼和海豚不会在陆地上窒息
MC-131416 - Conversion of a 2013 world crashes as of 1.13
MC-131416 - 2013 年的世界在 1.13 上进行转换时导致崩溃(新版本无法进入部分老地图)
MC-131400 - Structure names allow trailing dots for folder names
MC-131400 - 结构名称允许文件夹名称以小数点结尾
MC-131343 - Crash when clicking on a recipe in the recipe book without sufficient ingredients
MC-131343 - 点击配方书中没有足够合成原料的合成配方导致崩溃
MC-131154 - Resource locations allow empty path pieces
MC-131154 - 资源文件的位置允许空路径段
MC-130778 - End return portals don't return you to the centre End Island
MC-130778 - 末地折返门不会将你传送到末地的中心岛
MC-130690 - EntityTag for spawn eggs is not working
MC-130690 - 刷怪蛋的 EntityTag 标签失效
MC-130667 - Flowing water freezes in frozen biomes
MC-130667 - 流水在寒冷的生物群系结冰
MC-130554 - Waterlogged blocks have a full cube hitbox
MC-130554 - 被水淹没的方块拥有完整的碰撞箱
MC-130486 - Side of water and lava not rendered besides non-full-height blocks
MC-130486 - 未与完整高度的方块毗邻的水与岩浆的边缘没有被渲染
MC-130475 - Boats immediately sink when placed on water
MC-130475 - 把船放在水上时,船立即下沉
MC-130374 - vSync turns off in fullscreen mode
MC-130374 - 垂直同步在全屏下被关闭
MC-130169 - Enchanted items with capitals in enchantment ID cause crash (path of location: minecraft:Cookie)
MC-130169 - 若附魔 ID 带有大写字母,该附魔物品将导致崩溃(路径:minecraft:Cookie)
MC-129526 - Grass and ferns don't show up on a map
MC-129526 - 草和蕨不会出现在地图上
MC-128558 - Swamp Hills (mutated_swampland) biomes have wrong colored water (light yellow)
MC-128558 - 沼泽山脉(mutated_swampland)生物群系的水被错误着色(浅黄色)
MC-128237 - Conduits, kelp, coral (fans), and tall grass have full hitboxes
MC-128237 - 潮涌核心,海带,珊瑚,珊瑚扇和高草有完整的碰撞箱
MC-128071 - Desert rabbits were the wrong color, but now they are missing
MC-128071 - 沙漠中的兔子的颜色错误,但是现在,它们消失了
MC-127720 - Baby horses have long necks
MC-127720 - 小马有长脖子
MC-127326 - Rain splash particles don't appear on the surface of the water
MC-127326 - 雨滴颗粒不出现在水面上
MC-127109 - Nether caves under lava oceans don't fill up with lava properly
MC-127109 - 熔岩海洋下的地狱洞穴不会充满熔岩
MC-127044 - Waterlogged blocks don't move entities if the water in them is flowing
MC-127044 - 被水淹没的方块如果正在流动,则不会移动实体
MC-126809 - minecraft:exploration_map loot table function only works on block containers
MC-126809 - minecraft:exploration_map 的战利品表(loot table)仅适用于容器方块
MC-126138 - No rain sound in ocean
MC-126138 - 海洋中没有雨声
MC-126038 - Observers getting moved in "on" state rather than "off" state
MC-126038 - 观察者处于“开”状态而不是“关”
MC-125644 - Dispenser filled with bone meal cannot create sea grass
MC-125644 - 装有骨粉的发射器不能制造海草
MC-124876 - Villagers requesting tools with no damage provided specifically want Damage:0
MC-124876 - 与村民进行交易时,村民要求没有损耗的工具(除非特别标注了 Damage:0)
MC-124325 - Nested /execute commands can only store success/result once
MC-124325 - 嵌套的 /execute 命令只能存储一个执行结果(success/result)
MC-124174 - Game crash when give yourself an item with empty name
MC-124174 - 给予自己一个名称为空的物品会导致游戏崩溃
MC-124025 - Terracotta, spawn egg and entity statistics are lost on world upgrade
MC-124025 - 陶瓦,刷怪蛋和实体统计数据在世界版本升级时丢失
MC-123362 - SuccessCount of command blocks use the "result" return value of a command instead of "success"
MC-123362 - 命令方块的 SuccessCount 使用命令的“结果”返回值而不是“成功”
MC-123011 - Scores on scoreboard objectives created with old stats causes scoreboards to not store changes to scoreboard.dat
MC-123011 - 使用旧版本的统计数据创建的记分牌目标的分数会导致记分牌不存储将更改存储到 scoreboard.dat 文件
MC-122498 - Some advancements and recipes are not upgraded when opening world in 17w47+
MC-122498 - 在 17w47+ 打开世界时,一些进度与配方没有升级成新版本的样子
MC-35856 - Multiple background /title songs playing at one time / automatic music overlap (not Jukebox music)
MC-35856 - 同时或自动播放多个音源为 background 或 title 的音效,导致音效重叠(不是指唱片机播放的音乐)
MC-258 - Most text boxes / chat / scroll bars revert when the window changes size, fullscreen mode is toggled, or fullscreened game is tabbed into
MC-258 - 当窗口改变大小,切换全屏模式开关,或切换到全屏中的游戏时,文本框/聊天栏/滚动条 的位置会被重置