Minecraft1.13我的世界Java版18w02a快照更新!1.13越来越近啦!本周快照包含/execute的全新改进以及大量的漏洞修复!一起来看看Minecraft 快照 18w02a的更新内容吧。
18w02a的更改 Added new block tag minecraft:enderman_holdable 加入了新的方块标签minecraft:enderman_holdable Changed translation files from .lang (key=value) to .json ("key": "value") 将翻译文件从.lang (key=value) 改为.json ("key": "value") Errors during a command are now a nicer error message (with tooltip for more info) 命令中的错误现在有了更好的错误信息(提示中有更多的信息) Teleporting to things in other dimensions is now allowed 现在可以实现不同维度的传送了 /teleport has been simplified a bit, to avoid ambiguity 对/teleport进行了简化,以避免表意模糊 Added anchor points to teleport ... facing ..., so you can look at eyes vs feet 为teleport ... facing ...添加了锚点,所以你可以选择看眼睛还是看脚部了 Added new subcommands to /execute to allow for more control over commands 为/execute加入了新的子命令,允许对命令做出更多控制 Server commands (functions, console, rcon) now run from world spawn in the overworld 服务器命令(function, console, rcon)现在的执行位置是主世界出生点 漏洞修复 Fixed bug MC-68446 - Some entities have missing translations string in the lang files 一些实体缺少在lang文件的翻译字串 Fixed bug MC-121662 - Unhandled exceptions in commands just dump the exception into chat, without the "unknown error" message 无法处理的命令异常直接将错误信息显示在聊天中,而不显示“未知错误” Fixed bug MC-122579 - All COLOR_wall_banners are missing translation keys 所有的COLOR_wall_banner(墙上的旗帜)缺少翻译 Fixed bug MC-122608 - Minecraft crashes when typing in a block-related command in front of an entity 在实体面前输入与方块相关的命令导致游戏崩溃 Fixed bug MC-122610 - Giving 0 of any item results in the chat message saying that you got 0 air 给予0个任何物品会在聊天中显示你获得了0个空气 Fixed bug MC-122893 - "/execute as/at" does not change the dimension of execution "/execute as/at"不改变执行的维度 Fixed bug MC-122956 - Function paths with invalid characters results in game freezing 包含非法字符的函数路径导致游戏冻结 Fixed bug MC-123104 - '/scoreboard players reset' removes name from sidebar of different objective '/scoreboard players reset'会将名字从显示其他目标的侧边栏中移除 Fixed bug MC-123764 - Single player menu world version not displaying correctly 单人游戏菜单的世界版本显示不正确 Fixed bug MC-123771 - Server crashes when an item frame with a map is loaded, and no player has that map in their inventory、 物品展示框内有无玩家拥有的地图时,服务器会在加载这个物品展示框时崩溃 Fixed bug MC-123774 - You cannot test for names with name= anymore 无法用name=检测名称 Fixed bug MC-123782 - Game crashes if an item has a name that's invalid json 如果物品名称有非法json则游戏崩溃 Fixed bug MC-123790 - "italic":false in custom item names does not make name non-italic 有"italic":false的自定义物品名称依然显示为斜体 Fixed bug MC-123832 - Crash reports output TextComponent object for entity names rather than its text 崩溃报告输出实体名称的文本组件对象而不是名称的文本 Fixed bug MC-123833 - Connect/Disconnect messages output TextComponent object rather than the player's name 链接/断开连接的消息输出文本组件对象而不是玩家名称 Fixed bug MC-123888 - /clear on a player with no items dumps raw TextComponent 对没有物品的玩家使用/clear会转储原始文本组件 Fixed bug MC-123891 - NullPointerException on empty TextComponent 空文本组件导致空指针异常 Fixed bug MC-123932 - You cannot open locked containers with the Lock nbt anymore 无法打开有Lock nbt的容器 Fixed bug MC-123943 - Clicking a player's name in chat dumps raw TextComponent 点击聊天中的玩家名称转储原始文本组件 Fixed bug MC-123974 - Command List DataProvider incorrectly labeled as "Item List" Command List DataProvider不正确地标记为"Item List" Fixed bug MC-124051 - Varieties of /teleport create ambiguities for tab-completion /teleport的参数对tab补全过于模棱两可 翻译 We've changed our translation file format from key=value to json. This means we can support newlines! The new files look like this: {"thing": "Thing", "key": "Value", "some.translation": "Text Of Translation"} 我们已经更改的翻译文件的格式,从key=value改为了json。这意味着我们支持新行了!新的文件看起来像这样:{"thing": "Thing", "key": "Value", "some.translation": "Text Of Translation"} We will pull in the latest translations from the crowdin project soon. Remember that you can help out by translating the game to your native language over there! 我们不久后就将在crowdin中发布最新的翻译文本。记住,你可以在这里帮助我们将游戏翻译成你的语言 命令的更改 /execute facing <x y z> will run the command as though you're facing x y z facing <x y z> 将在命令执行时视为你面朝x y z facing entity <entity> (eyes|feet) will run the command as though you're facing the entity's eyes or feet facing entity <entity> (eyes|feet) 将在命令执行时视为你面朝实体的眼睛或脚部 offset <x y z> has been renamed to positioned x y z offset <x y z> 重命名为 positioned x y z positioned as <entity> will change the command position (x y z) but nothing else positioned as <entity>将只改变命令的执行位置(x y z) rotated as <entity> or rotated y x will run the command as though you're rotated in that direction rotated as <entity> 或者 rotated y x 将在命令执行时视为你已经转向了那个方向 at (overworld|the_end|the_nether) will run the command as though it's in that dimension at (overworld|the_end|the_nether) 将在命令执行时视为执行位置在该维度 as <entity> will change the dimension, position and rotation of the command to match that entity as <entity> 将改变命令执行的维度,位置和旋转角度以匹配实体 (if|unless) score <name> <objective> matches <range> will test for a score in a range (ie 1, 1..5) (if|unless) score <name> <objective> matches <range> 将检测在指定范围内的分数(例如 1,1..5) anchored (feet|eyes) will make the rest of this command use feet or eyes for ^ ^ ^ coordinates or facing commands anchored (feet|eyes) 将使命令余下部分的^ ^ ^坐标或facing命令使用脚部或眼睛的位置 /teleport /teleport <entity> doesn't allow rotation or facing, will teleport you to the entity /teleport <entity> 不支持旋转或朝向,能将你传送到指定实体 /teleport <x y z> doesn't allow rotation or facing, will teleport you to the position /teleport <x y z> 不支持旋转或朝向,能将你传送到指定位置 /teleport <victim> <entity> doesn't allow rotation or facing, will teleport victim to entity /teleport <victim> <entity> 不支持旋转或朝向,能将被传送者传送到指定实体 /teleport <victim> <x y z> [yRot xRot] will teleport you to that position with optional rotation /teleport <victim> <x y z> [yRot xRot] 将传送你到指定位置,同时旋转指定角度 /teleport <victim> <x y z> facing [xFacing yFacing zFacing] will teleport you to that position facing another position /teleport <victim> <x y z> facing [xFacing yFacing zFacing] 将传送你到指定位置,同时朝向另一位置 /teleport <victim> <x y z> facing entity <entityFacing> [feet|eyes] will teleport you to that position facing an entity's feet or eyes (default feet) /teleport <victim> <x y z> facing entity <entityFacing> [feet|eyes] 将传送你到指定位置,同时面朝实体的脚部或眼睛(默认为脚部) Teleporting to an entity in another dimension is now totally allowed. Hurrah! 现在终于可以传送实体到另一维度了,爽到! You can also teleport to another dimension using something like /execute in the_nether run teleport 0 64 0 你也可以将自己传送到另一维度,比如用命令/execute in the_nether run teleport 0 64 0 本地坐标 (^ ^ ^) If you use a local coordinate in a command, it comes from your feet by default. That means that ^ ^ ^ is at the bottom center of your entity, and ^ ^ ^10 is where your feet are looking, 10 blocks forwards. 如果你在命令中使用本地坐标,默认的基准是脚部。也就是说^ ^ ^是你的实体中心的底部,而^ ^ ^10是你脚部朝向的10格远的位置。 You can change this for a command by changing the "anchor point" in /execute, like this: /execute anchored eyes. For example, the following command will place particles 10 blocks forwards where every entity is looking, which for players is the same point where their mouse cursor is: 你可以修改命令的基准,方法是修改/execute的“锚点”,就像这样:/execute anchored eyes。例如,以下命令将在所有实体朝向的10格远处放置粒子,对于玩家来说,就是鼠标光标的同一个点: /execute as @e at @s anchored eyes run particle minecraft:flame ^ ^ ^10 0 0 0 0 1 Want to know exactly what this command does? Let's take a look! 想知道这个命令究竟干的是啥吗?来看一看! /execute as @e makes the following run once for every entity /execute as @e 使所有实体执行以下命令一次 at @s makes the following run at the location of the current entity at @s 使以下命令在当前实体的位置执行 anchored eyes makes ^ ^ ^ in the following command come from the entities eyes (which means exactly where they're looking) anchored eyes 使以下命令的^ ^ ^以实体的眼睛作为基准(也就是它们观看的地方) run particle minecraft:flame will spawn the minecraft:flame particle run particle minecraft:flame 会生成粒子minecraft:flame ^ ^ ^10 will make that particle appear 10 blocks forwards of the current position (which is the current entity's eyes) ^ ^ ^10 将使粒子出现于当前位置(也就是当前实体的眼睛)10格远的地方 0 0 0 means we don't want the particle to move around 0 0 0 的意思是我们不希望粒子发生移动 0 1 means we want exactly 1 particle, with no speed 0 1 的意思是我们只要1个粒子,并不带速度 |