详细更新: MINECRAFT SNAPSHOT 18W01A A Minecraft Java Edition snapshot for 1.13 Java版 1.13快照 18w01a Did you know that it's no longer 2016? Crazy, huh! 你知道现在已经不是2016年了么?真是疯狂,哈! CHANGES IN 18W01A 18w01a变更列表 Added facing part of /teleport /teleport命令添加facing参数 Added set_name function of loot tables 战利品表添加set_name函数 Added minecraft:load function tag, ran once after a (re)load 添加minecraft:load函数标签,在每次加载/重载后执行一次 Added noon and midnight to /time set /time set命令添加noon/midnight两个可指定时间 Crash reports now list what data packs are enabled 崩溃报告现在将列出激活状态的数据包 Technical: Changed all custom names (blocks, items, entities, block entities) to translatable text components 技术性:所有自定义名称(包括方块,物品,实体,方块实体涉及到的CustomName相关)现在都是可翻译的字段 Technical: We're exposing our data generators, so if you can figure out how, you can get a dump of our all blocks/items/commands/etc from the game without opening it up! 技术性:我们正发布我们的数据生成器,所以如果你能弄明白怎么用的话,你可以获得游戏中所有方块/物品/命令和其他东西的内容(?)而不需要打开游戏!* ↑这东西怕是只有“弄明白了怎么用”以后才能知道真的是干啥的了↑ Fixed bug MC-2340 - Redstone torches schedule updates when they should not, causing unreliable timings. 修复:红石火把于错误的时点计划更新,导致不可靠的计时 Fixed bug MC-9194 - A Comparator can lock a Repeater, but the Repeater doesn't look like it is locked 修复:一个比较器能锁存一个中继器但中继器不表现为锁存状态 Fixed bug MC-64836 - Mobs "control" the minecart they are riding 修复:生物能“控制”其所骑乘的矿车 Fixed bug MC-71401 - Tab list ignores initial display name of players 修复:tab界面忽视初始玩家名 Fixed bug MC-112693 - Scoreboard team colors use raw § formatting instead of text components 修复:记分板队伍颜色使用§样式代码作为颜色标示而不是文本组件 Fixed bug MC-112742 - Name of unnamed villager is rendered with TeamColor instead of prefix and suffix of scoreboard team 修复:TeamColor成为了拥有队伍的未命名村民的名字,而不是正确的作为其队伍的前后缀 Fixed bug MC-112743 - Glowing outline and spectator GUI use prefix color instead of TeamColor 修复:药水及旁观者的高亮效果使用名称前缀作为其颜色而不是TeamColor的值 Fixed bug MC-121331 - Client crashes when minimizing game while server disconnect window is displayed 修复:显示服务器连接断开界面时最小化游戏窗口时客户端崩溃 Fixed bug MC-121379 - Functions, advancements and loot tables allow other filetypes than .mcfunction and .json 修复:函数,进度和战利品表允许除.mcfunction和.json之外的其他文件类型 Fixed bug MC-121719 - Enchantment GUI's book opening and closing animation is rendered at approximatly 20fps, even if actual framerate is higher 修复:附魔界面中的书籍动画大约以20fps呈现,即使实际游戏帧率更高 Fixed bug MC-121759 - Item particle command doesn't work with blocks or items that derive their models from entity textures. 修复:Item粒子效果于方块或物品使用的材质由方块实体和实体材质派生时效果错误 Fixed bug MC-121804 - "/publish" can be executed from command blocks 修复:/publish命令可以被命令方块执行 Fixed bug MC-121827 - Selectors and scoreboards not working for signs (works correctly for books, /tellraw, and /title) 修复:牌子json的selectors和scoreboards项目不工作 Fixed bug MC-121889 - Animated Texture Interpolate causing crashes 修复:动态材质的插入导致崩溃 Fixed bug MC-121891 - Animated texture ignoring frames acting non-iteratively 修复:动态材质忽略非迭代的帧 Fixed bug MC-121897 - Gaps in an animation's used frames throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException 修复:动态材质使用的帧中若有空缺将抛出ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Fixed bug MC-121913 - Log files are HUGE (5GB) because Brigadier also logs errors continuously. 修复:日志由于持续记录错误导致的超大文件 Fixed bug MC-121934 - execute sub-commands only run (for each entity), if the next sub-command runs at least one command for each entity 修复:execute的子命令只在如果下一个子命令为每个实体运行至少一个命令时才对每个实体执行 Fixed bug MC-122053 - Mouse wheel/touchpad scroll amount is ignored 修复:鼠标滚轮/触摸板的滚动量设置被忽视 Fixed bug MC-122057 - /teleport x_rotation and y_rotation being swapped 修复:/teleport命令中x_rotation和y_rotation位置交换 Fixed bug MC-122118 - /tp @s ~ ~ ~ acts like an absolute teleport, killing all momentum 修复:/tp @s ~ ~ ~表现为一个绝对的瞬移并会归零Motion Fixed bug MC-122188 - Vanilla structure files aren’t updated yet causing missing/wrong blocks 修复:原版结构文件未更新导致方块丢失或错误 Fixed bug MC-122409 - You can't open Chests under Leaves / Glowstone / Sea lantern / Ice / Frosted ice 修复:你无法打开位于树叶/萤石/海晶灯/冰/霜冰之下的箱子 Fixed bug MC-122431 - '/scoreboard players get' shows message with '%s' when no score is set 修复:命令/scoreboard players get在分数未指定的时候输出中出现%s Fixed bug MC-122487 - Randomized blockstates do not apply full models 修复:随机blockstates不生效于整个方块模型 Fixed bug MC-122493 - Boats fall through blocks when slightly intersecting with water 修复:船当与水轻微接触时穿过其下方块下落 Fixed bug MC-122503 - /title or /tellraw score component with fake players returns "No entity was found" 修复:/title与/tellraw中的scores若指定目标为一个假名,将返回“未找到实体” Fixed bug MC-122609 - '/scoreboard players reset * objective' does not work 修复:/scoreboard players reset * objective无效 Fixed bug MC-122724 - Blockstates not working properly with two model options 修复:随机blockstates在仅有两个可选模型时无效 Fixed bug MC-122828 - 32768 is specified as the maximum allowed area size for the fill command, but is not allowed 修复:32768作为/fill命令允许的最大填充区域,但不被命令接受 Fixed bug MC-122897 - Overwriting structure containing signs InvalidArgumentException 修复:覆写一个包含牌子的结构将导致InvalidArgumentException Fixed bug MC-123039 - Hitting a key in the creative mode inventory search resets scrollbar 修复:创造模式物品栏搜索栏中按下任意按键将重置滚动条 Fixed bug MC-123067 - Wall-mounted banners / skulls are treated as full blocks 修复:壁挂旗帜/头颅被视为完整方块 Fixed bug MC-123110 - Bowl can't be used in furnace as fuel 修复:碗无法在熔炉中作为燃料使用 Fixed bug MC-123117 - Strange lighting by slabs / stairs / grass path / farmland 修复:半砖/楼梯/草径和耕地奇怪的光照表现 Fixed bug MC-123131 - Hopper and hopper minecart item pickup area too small/low 修复:漏斗与漏斗矿车的可拾取范围过小/低 Fixed bug MC-123135 - Standing on half block / stairs / grass path / farmland gives "cave effect" to sky 修复:站在半砖/楼梯/草径/耕地上时天空变暗 Fixed bug MC-123138 - Placing double-grass on the lower half of a double-grass block removes the upper half 修复:在高草丛的下半部分方块再次放置高草将移除原高草丛的上半部分 Fixed bug MC-123159 - Gravity-affected blocks, such as sand, do not fall when the block underneath them is pulled by a piston 修复:受重力影响的方块如沙子在其下方块被活塞拉走时不会掉落 Fixed bug MC-123162 - Placing a grass path under a block makes the block disappear 修复:将草径放置在一个方块下时将导致此方块消失 Fixed bug MC-123168 - advanced tooltips hide map numbers 修复:进阶物品内容显示隐藏了地图编号 Fixed bug MC-123183 - Cannot eat plantable items when looking at blocks 修复:在注视方块时无法食用可种植物品 Fixed bug MC-123184 - "Pick Block" on empty flower pots does nothing 修复:对空花盆使用“获取方块”按键无效 Fixed bug MC-123221 - Item frames placed on the ground z-fight with pressure plates 修复:放置于地面的物品展示框与压力板间的材质错误 Fixed bug MC-123277 - Too long scoreboard objectives and team names are not detected when commands are parsed 修复:过长的记分板目标名和队伍名在命令执行时不被解析 Fixed bug MC-123304 - "Ticking block entity" NullPointerException Game crash 64 Pistons in 1 chunk 修复:当64个活塞在同一个区块里时,造成"Ticking block entity" NullPointerException崩溃 Fixed bug MC-123305 - JSON text throws syntax error when JSON is more than 1024 characters long 修复:json长度超过1024时将报json格式错误 Fixed bug MC-123312 - Pressure plate tables in villages are still oak instead of village type specific wood 修复:村庄中的木质压力板无视村庄建筑木材类型始终为橡木制 Fixed bug MC-123322 - Structures placed by structure blocks do not update connecting blocks on the outside or inside of the structure 修复:结构方块摆放的结构不更新其轮廓内外各一圈的方块 Fixed bug MC-123331 - 'execute if/unless score' sets the score to 0 if unset 修复:/execute if/unless score将在目标指定分数未设置时将之设置为0 Fixed bug MC-123360 - /teleport tries to centre-correct the y-axis 修复:/teleport命令试图对y轴也进行中心矫正 Fixed bug MC-123388 - "execute store" on "double" data types uses only 'float' rather than 'double' precision in intermediate scale 修复:对double型数据执行的/execute store仅用float而不是double的精度来储存数据 Fixed bug MC-123401 - In commands, block states are attempted to be read after the end of the previous value 修复:命令中[]内在前一个值结束后总会试图读取方块状态 Fixed bug MC-123459 - Error when reading pack.mcmeta of data or resource packs shows default string representation 修复:读取pack.mcmeta失败导致资源包或数据包无法读取时显示器默认文本而非路径 Fixed bug MC-123562 - Replacing vanilla data (except for tags) simply doesn't work on Apple devices. 修复:对原版数据(除了tags)的覆写在Apple设备上无效 Fixed bug MC-123708 - clearCustomName() and hasDisplayName() inconsistent 修复:clearCustomName()方法与hasDisplayName()方法不符 |