Searge:我们已经接近发布pre release(1.9)了, 但不保证,因为事情总是有可能会比预期的更复杂。但从官方博客上的图片来看,时间应为17/02/2016,让我们一切期待这一天的到来吧。
Searge:We should also be close to a pre release. But no promises yet, things could always turn out to be more complicated than anticipated.
Searge:Turns out some mobs thought they were allowed to be smarter than they should be and they stole copy cycles to accomplish it. Bloody thieves.
Searge:I think we found one major cause of lag in the 1.9 snapshots today and solved it. Profiling it was painful but totally worth it. 至于什么时候发布...仔细看16w06a快照的图片:
看博客上的图片,工具栏里面的羊毛。 17/02/2016 我们敬请期待吧(前面那个8不会是时间吧...) |