我的世界1.9预览版 Minecraft 16w04a 快照发布下载!就在玩家的一片期盼声中,我的世界1.9的第51个预览版16w04a发布了。一如既往的感谢汇报bug者,测试快照者以及反馈者们。我们越接近1.9开发尾声便越需要这些东西,非常感激大家请继续如此。
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[Bug MC-84632] - Chorus flower placed at or growing to Y=255 turning to chorus plant
[Bug MC-84632] - 长至255高度的Chorus flower转变为chorus plant
[Bug MC-88427] - Endermen & Blazes get ‘wet’ in boats
[Bug MC-88427] - 末影人和烈焰人在船里“湿”了
[Bug MC-89948] - Shulkers spin endlessly when riding in boats
[Bug MC-89948] - Shulkers在船里不停旋转
[Bug MC-89963] - Horse Hitbox is Larger than Boat Hitbox
[Bug MC-89963] - 马的碰撞箱比船大
[Bug MC-89978] - Small mobs drown in boats
[Bug MC-89978] - 小实体在船里被水淹没
[Bug MC-89985] - Squids riding boat when riding over them
[Bug MC-89985] - 墨鱼在船驶过时成功上船
[Bug MC-89987] - Offhand item still shown/not updated when moving in boat
[Bug MC-89987] - 副手物品的渲染在开船时不正常
[Bug MC-90011] - Boats face the direction opposite to the one you placed it on.
[Bug MC-90011] - 船在玩家放下的时候面对不同的方向
[Bug MC-90052] - Dismounting from a boat drops you in the water
[Bug MC-90052] - 下船时你会掉在水里。
[Bug MC-90074] - Boat from dispenser is facing wrong direction (always east)
[Bug MC-90074] - 发射出来的船总是朝东
[Bug MC-90084] - When sitting in boats player / mob legs penetrate the hull
[Bug MC-90084] - 实体和玩家的脚在船外
[Bug MC-90085] - Boats ignoring Lily Pads
[Bug MC-90085] - 船无视睡莲(good
[Bug MC-90124] - Reopening world when riding entity/boat dismounts player for some seconds
[Bug MC-90124] - 在骑乘状态时重开世界总要花一段时间才能下来。
[Bug MC-90148] - Boat paddle animation continues if player leaves boat while paddling with a mob inside
[Bug MC-90148] - 在玩家离船而实体仍在时依旧播放划船动画
[Bug MC-90175] - Game crashes when boats are summoned as passengers of a living entity
[Bug MC-90175] - 当船作为一个活体的骑乘者的时候游戏咔嘣!
[Bug MC-90191] - Armorstands in boats spin rapidly
[Bug MC-90191] -盔甲架在船里高速旋转
[Bug MC-90272] - Zombie / Skeleton in the boat not on fire
[Bug MC-90272] - 船里的僵尸和骷髅不会自燃
[Bug MC-90307] - Boats don’t lose any speed if directly above air
[Bug MC-90307] - 船在空气中不减速(架木船,乘风而行
[Bug MC-90352] - Placing boats on slime blocks and mounting it propels player & boat up hundreds of blocks
[Bug MC-90352] - 放置船在史莱姆方块上并坐上去游戏会和玩家玩举高高
[Bug MC-90594] - Player can stop sneaking/gliding without space to stand up
[Bug MC-90594] - 玩家在没有空间的时候不能从潜行恢复至站立状态
[Bug MC-90791] - ‘Place Block’ control is ignored while in a moving boat
[Bug MC-90791] - 选取方块对行驶中的船不起作用
[Bug MC-90909] - Boat auto correction position when making short turns
[Bug MC-90909] - 船自动纠正位置的时候会急转弯
[Bug MC-90923] - Boats Not Picking Up Armor stand
[Bug MC-90923] - 船不载盔甲架
[Bug MC-91008] - When Changing hand in boats, the item being swapped is still visually in the other hand
[Bug MC-91008] - 当玩家在船上时切换主副手物品时,显示不正常
[Bug MC-91524] - Entities disappear from boats (are removed, not invisible)
[Bug MC-91524] - 船上的实体神秘失踪(非隐形
[Bug MC-91620] - Boats full speed on pressureplates
[Bug MC-91620] - 船在压力板上满速行驶。
[Bug MC-91857] - Passengers might be broken
[Bug MC-91857] - 乘客或许会受伤
[Bug MC-92346] - Passenger-Rendering-Bug: World not rendering for Passenger (Same with horses!)
[Bug MC-92346] - 渲染bug——乘客不渲染
[Bug MC-92439] - Player facing is awkward when entering boat from the front.
[Bug MC-92439] - 玩家从前上船时面对奇怪的方向
[Bug MC-92536] - Mobs do not properly fit in passenger seat of boats
[Bug MC-92536] - 实体并不是太适合船的座位
Minecraft 16w04a 快照下载:
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