我的世界Minecraft1.9快照15w33c发布!Minecraft 1.9 仍未发布,15w33c为其第9个预览版。每周快照是Minecraft的测试机制,主要用于下一个正式版的特性预览。那么本次快照更新修复了哪些内容呢?一起来关注一下吧。
Added Shields. Remember, things are not yet balanced nor finalized at all.
[Bug MC-10447] – Pick up framed enchanted items with "Pick Block (MOUSE 3)" don't give you the enchanted item
[Bug MC-10447] – 用“拾取方块”按钮捡起在物品展示框中的附魔的物品不会给你附魔过的物品
[Bug MC-68399] – Pressing the '<' key takes screenshot on certain keyboard layouts
[Bug MC-68399] – 在某些键盘映射上按下“<”会截屏
[Bug MC-73474] – Rail duplication Glitch
[Bug MC-73474] – 铁轨复制BUG
[Bug MC-82855] – Invisible Shulker shows white box until relog
[Bug MC-82855] – 隐形的潜影贝显示白框,直到重新进入游戏
[Bug MC-82986] – Stackable items of same id and meta value but different NBT tags will stack in creative menu
[Bug MC-82986] – 相同ID与数据值但NBT标签不同的可堆叠的物品在创造模式中会堆叠
[Bug MC-83350] – Entities teleporting through a portal disappear instead of teleporting.
[Bug MC-83350] – 实体在通过传送门传送时会消失而不是传送
[Bug MC-83945] – Item counts can go negative when interacting with entities, allowing duplication
[Bug MC-83945] – 物品与实体交互时数量会变为负的,允许复制
[Bug MC-84320] – Respawned Ender Dragon doesn't drop experience
[Bug MC-84320] – 重生的末影龙不会掉落经验
[Bug MC-85500] – Syntax for '/scoreboard players' doesn't include 'tag' parameter
[Bug MC-85500] – “/scoreboard players”的语法不包含“tag”参数
[Bug MC-85834] – Pick-Block on mobs gives you a blank spawn egg
[Bug MC-85834] – 在生物上使用选取方块按键会获得空的刷怪蛋
[Bug MC-85865] – Can't put splash potions in brewing stands
[Bug MC-85865] – 不能在酿造台中放入喷溅药水
[Bug MC-85925] – Problems while Loading NBT [AreaEffectCloud]
[Bug MC-85925] – 加载AreaEffectCloud的NBT时的问题
[Bug MC-85973] – Modifying the 'Age' tag of an 'AreaEffectCloud' entity will result in the 'Effects' tag being duplicated
[Bug MC-85973] – 改变AreaEffectCloud的Age标签会导致Effects标签重复
[Bug MC-86007] – Both the Bottle and Dragon's Breath are Consumed When Making Lingering Potions
[Bug MC-86007] – 制造挥发药水时瓶子和龙息一起消耗了
[Bug MC-86066] – Mob spawner spawns skeletons without bow
[Bug MC-86066] – 刷怪笼会生成没有弓的骷髅
[Bug MC-86082] – Cannot summon an entity with a custom UUID
[Bug MC-86082] – 不能生成自定义UUID的实体
[Bug MC-86085] – Potions and Spawn Eggs still show data values in tooltips.
[Bug MC-86085] – 药水和刷怪蛋在工具提示中依然显示数据值
资讯来源:bobby825 原文链接:点击进入