LastTilesInSet The number of tiles which the set used to have. This tells the game that the number of tiles in the set has changed and it should fix up the tile numbers when a map is loaded. If the map is then saved again, it will be saved with the correct tile numbers. This value should only be used to load up maps, convert the tile numbers, then save the maps out again. Then the LastTilesInSet entry should be removed or the newly fixed up maps will not load correctly. 什么乱七八糟,反正原版这句代码从来没用过 MarbleMadness 这种地形在框架模式下对应的地形,用于框架模式的显示 NonMarbleMadness 一种用于框架模式的地形对应哪个地形,和MarbleMadness反着 注:如果不加MarbleMadness,那么这种地形在框架模式下显示的就是HeightBase地形,如果你把MarbleMadness填了本身,比如编号为225的地形你填了225,那么这个地形在普通和框架模式下显示的都一样 Morphable 填true或flase,指定这种地形是否能够被升高或降低?(原版中Clear可以,Rough,Green,Sand都不可以) LowRadarColor HighRadarColor 填RGB值,似乎是指雷达图中地形显示的颜色。疑似无效,而由地形块本身的设置来决定 AllowBurrowing 填true或flase,指定潜地单位能否在这种地形上下潜 RequiredForRMG 填true或flase,指定这种地形能否在随机地图上出现 AllowToPlace 填true或flase,指定这种地形能否在地图编辑器中调用,一般用于框架模式的地形都设定为flase ToTemperateTheater The equivilent tile section in the temperate theater ToSnowTheater The equivilent tile section in the snow theater 不明,似乎是在地图类型转换时地形的转换设置 ShadowCaster 这种地形是否能投影(在原版中没用过) 更多相关内容请浏览: |