红色警戒3苏联建造顺序基础教程,一篇来自GR的基础攻略,主要为新手玩家介绍被今天很多最顶尖的玩家所使用的最常见的建造顺序,包括:速船厂,速机场,速重工和起重机开局连带一些其他略有变化的开局。 1.苏联速船厂
对有经验的玩家有效性:低 对新手玩家有效性:高 这种建造顺序的主要前提是快速建造磁暴快艇来骚扰你的对手的基地。磁暴快艇能够只用几次攻击就将矿车摧毁的能力。它们可以一击杀死步兵,并在一对一的情况下击败所有的T1单位。当然它们也有弱点,它们的装甲防护薄弱且在陆地上移动非常缓慢。它们在面对大量的步兵的情况下很脆弱,而且空中单位对它们的打击十分有效。这种建造顺序用在与盟军的对局中会有很大的风险因为维和轰炸机的四颗炸弹就可以将它摧毁。 The main premise of this build order isfast Stingrays to harass your opponent’s base. Stingrays are capable ofdestroying Ore Collectors in only a few shots, they one hit kill infantry, andthey beat any tier 1 vehicle one-on-one. They do have weaknesses though; theyhave light armor and are slow on land. Against masses of infantry they areweak, and air units are especially effective against them. This build order istoo risky to use against Allies because Vindicators kill them with 4 bombs. 这种磁暴快艇的建造顺序在对阵苏联和帝国时使用较多,在开局矿场位置较近或者位于海上的地图使用。这种建造顺序在制海权十分重要的地图上使用,因为这种建造顺序使你快速地获得建造T2海军单位的能力,比如说阿库拉。 The Stingray build is best used againstSoviets and Empire, on maps where starting Ore Mines are close to, or on, thewater. It is also useful on maps where naval superiority offers a big advantageas this build order enables you to get tier 2 naval units, like Akula Subs,very quickly and gain the naval superiority. 建造顺序: 反应堆,矿场,船厂,矿场,超级反应堆 Build Order
反应堆: 反应堆的放置位置在这里很重要,如果你无法靠最开始的建造范围将船厂放置在海上,将电厂放置在海上,或者靠近海的地方。这会使你获得足够的建造范围将船厂放在海上。 Reactor: The placement is important here, if youcannot fit a naval yard on the water from your initial starting point, buildthe power on, or as close to, the water. This will provide enough groundcontrol to fit a Naval Yard. 第一个矿场: 记得将矿场用围墙围住。 Refinery #1: Remember to wall your Ore Collector in. 船厂: 在不移动基地车的情况下,尝试将它放置在离敌人最近的地方。一旦船厂建造完毕,建造2或3个磁暴快艇并将它们直接送到敌人基地。你也许需要造更多的磁暴快艇来防御如果你认为你会在前期被骚扰。 Naval Yard: Try and build it as close to your opponentas possible without having to move MCV. Once completed, build 2 or 3 Stingraysand send them straight to the enemy base. You may need to build more to usedefensively if you think you may be harassed early. 第二个矿场: 还是记得围住你的矿场。 Refinery #2: Remember to wall your Ore Collector in. 超级反应堆: 它十分重要因为它会给你很多建造选项,如阿库拉,磁暴线圈,和空中单位。 从这里开始,最好的选项是建造机场来训练双刃直升机和米格战机。仅当你的对手尝试向海上扩展时出阿库拉潜艇。用你的制海权向海上扩展而不是向陆地扩展。如果你受到了压力,在第三个矿场之前建造机场。你也许在某一阶段需要一个兵营来保护你的基地免于被大量步兵摧毁。如果你在建造超级反应堆之前建造兵营,你需要两个反应堆来提供足够的电力。 Super Reactor: Very important as this will give you manyoptions, Akulas, Tesla Coils, and air units. From this point, the best option is tobuild an Airfield for Twinblades and MiGs. Only make Akulas if your opponent istrying to expand to the water. Use your naval superiority to advantage andexpand to the seas rather than land. If you're under pressure then get anAirfield before the third Refinery. You may need a Barracks at some stageduring this BO to protect yourself against mass infantry. If you build aBarracks before the Super Reactor however, you will need two Reactors toprovide enough power. 变化情况: 你可以在建造序列前增加一个兵营(兵营,反应堆,矿场,船厂)然而这会使你的磁暴快艇生产得更慢因此你的对手会有更多的时间造建筑和单位。先造一个兵营的好处是你可以做侦查来寻找敌人的弱点。如果地图足够小这也会让你能防止对方侦察到你的开局来采取措施应对。 Variations You can do a Fast Naval build order with aBarracks first (Barracks, Power, Refinery, Naval) however this slows yourStingrays down so your opponent will be more advanced in his build order. Theadvantage of an early Barracks is that you can scout to see points of weakness,and if the map is small it will also prevent your opponent from scouting yourbuild order and being able to prepare for a naval attack before it comes. 总结 这种建造顺序不像陆地建造顺序一样安全,但这会十分有效如果你可以在对手没有防备的情况下使用磁暴快艇突袭(这种情况在面对有经验的玩家时基本不会出现)。需要小心恐怖机器人。在这种情况下你需要比恐怖机器人更多的磁暴快艇,(然而对于高手来说用一个恐怖机器人定住三个磁暴快艇不是问题)或者赶在恐怖机器人出现前到达敌方基地。磁暴快艇不可以越过围墙攻击,但它们可以四下打穿围墙。如果你认为自己无法打穿围墙和矿车,攻击电场和其他t1单位。 Summary This build order is not as safe as the landbased build orders, but it can be very effective if you can catch your opponentoff guard with the Stingrays. Things to watch out for are Terror Drones onsecondary mode. Stingrays kill drones in one shot, but the range of the dronesmeans that your Stingray will not be able to fire at the drone. In thissituation you need to have more Stingrays than the enemy has drones, or bequick enough with your Stingrays so you can reach the base before drones freezethem. Stingrays, unlike Tesla Tanks in RA2, cannot shoot over walls, but theycan destroy wall segments in four shots. If you don't think you will have timeto destroy the walls and Ore Collector, attack either his tier 1 units or PowerPlants. 总之,速船厂不是正常的建造顺序,只适用于打不善于调整策略的新手或在多人对战中磁暴快艇可以被陆上单位辅助时(比如麦格马格登下路苏联速船厂)。 In short: The Fast Naval build order is anuncommon build order which is most successful against inexperienced opponentswho won't be able to adjust their strategy, or in team games where theStingrays can be supported by land based units. (备注:个人建议在建造第一个电厂前造一个兵营出工程师来抢油井,出一些熊来侦查并根据情况出少量或更多的步兵和熊来反制对面前期的步兵rush,比如帝国武士核心前压。在遇到盟军速机场时可以在船厂中出牛蛙来配合磁暴快艇。(建议3牛蛙1磁暴快艇)总之,要看具体情况来应对,不能死板地按照顺序建造。) |