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  • 文件大小:414 MB
  • 文件类别:单机游戏
  • 时间:2025-01-13 17:21
  • 编辑:zl
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  • 专区:红警3MOD


游戏作者:艳丽莉(中国福建) QQ:2369718109






The Soviet Union, the Empire of the rising sun, launched in the Third World War fifty years

After the Soviet Union again, using a time machine, back to the pre war killed the Emperor

After the former Emperor's Fang Lang and American former president Ackerman, come back, found

The Empire of the rising sun and the Allied forces had been yielded to the Soviet Union, all countries in the world

For the socialism, however, did not think of "less than 10 months after the success of the plan"

The Empire of the rising sun, the Ninja sneak into the base to kill the Soviet premier, the world into the Cold War

Period, the Soviet Union (dominance in Asia and European countries) divided into Russia, Iraq

Lakshmi, Chinese three big countries, the Allies (jurisdiction South America and North America) branch

Split into France, American, allies, the Empire of the rising sun is split into high and because of the Civil War

The sun will, democracy, japan. Nine national hegemony warlords, all

The national science and technology development to the "advanced" (supernatural means of science and technology),

Nine state leaders: Migroste Vladimirovich Putin

Russia), Ropa Washington (USA), Darren (Japan), Mi Kai

Lancairo Salam Arif, Litt Armand (Iraq)

Fallieres (France), Bi Fulian (China), Kate Rosfa Ed

Washington (allies), Hama Shinzo (the Republic), Kenji (large and

Will China) International Conference held in the peninsula, officially announced during the cold war began

The nine countries, formal independence, and allow engine battle, air war

The war at sea, nuclear war, battles and campaigns, super weapons, but does not allow the use of

Secret agreement.

The result: the Japanese emperor unified China, Dalem and will the Democratic Republic, Japan is a country, changing the country, "sun", after the Empire of the rising sun wage jihad, beat 6 other countries, unified the world, turn the country changed back into a "rising sun", the hero has to kill all help him global (including commander), war, it was conquered by the commander, commander of the emperor ascended the throne as the sun.

The result: profit potential allies President Washington utilization of land near the ocean, the Pacific and the Atlantic closed, due to the global crisis and crisis into salt fish, North America, the domestic panic, civil war, the allies took the opportunity to launch an attack, the French and American coalition troops fleeing unable to accept a huge surprise and surrender, allied unity, use fishing salt profits, rapid economic development, plus Albert Einst (grandson of Einstein) have made great contributions to the science and technology, the allies launched campaigns to kill six, a unified global, and the president shortly after death, and the contribution of great commander has become a global president.

The result: Russian President Putin thinks the powerful United Russia, immediately launched the campaign, instead, China vacuum implosion bullets and powerful fighter -20 battle group blocked the Russian ten million army attack, but just then China with Japan, the Diaoyu Islands, contend for Taiwan Hainan Island, Qingdao, in the number of navy power is concentrated in the South China Sea and the sea of Japan, Putin has ordered fifty years did not use the Dreadnaught battle group (a group of Secondary 1 Dreadnought, 4 MiGs, 10 ships, 8 storm boats bullfrog carrier composition) one million group raid on the sea of Japan, China Navy and the Japanese Navy measures as prevention, loss a heavy, southern and northern Japan Chinese by Dreadnought missile in ruins, the northern army and air force troops Chinese collapsibility, due south every power plant would be destroyed, the northern part of the vacuum imploder silo operation without power again, the northern army, air force China morale collapsibility, Soviet ten million army offensive in one fell swoop, Chinese was to conquer, and the sun will, democracy because of losses to surrender to Russia, the Russian navy has forward again, to wipe The use of air force, force against Iraq, after reunification, changed the name of the Soviet Union, launched the "Asian American war", defeated the French, USA, allies, unified global, global each country to restore socialist, and commander also became the Soviet premier, the world's premier!

The MOD Author: Yan Lili (Fujian,China)







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