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红色警戒3进阶(RA3 Advanced)V1.0

  • 文件大小:30.02 MB
  • 文件类别:单机游戏
  • 时间:2025-01-16 09:33
  • 编辑:红警之家
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  • 专区:红警3MOD

红色警戒3Mod进阶v1.0(RA3 Advanced V1.0)

MOD名称:红色警戒III 进阶
MOD Name: Red Alert III Advanced


MOD purpose: To increase fun most when playing RA3 with least data change.

Donate announcement: This MOD is free to download, if you like it, pls. donate to me for my hard work, thanks a lot!

*     捐赠帐户:支付宝帐户 - 2292704436@qq.com        *
*     Donate Account: Alipay - 2292704436@qq.com      *


Global Data Change List:

 A higher camera enabled, which allowed you to see more in the battle field.

 500,000 initial funds supported, set 50,000 as default initial fund.

 Soviet units will have an upgrade effect (which is samiliar with Allied High Tech Upgrade effect) after upgrade Soviet Crush Pupies Upgrade, at the mean time, units' move speed increase by 5%, shrould claearing range increase 25%.

 Soviet units will have an upgrade effect (which is samiliar with Allied High Tech Upgrade effect) after upgrade Soviet Terror Drone Spwan Upgrade.

 All Soviet Vehicles, Ships, Submarines ( except Terror Drone, Infantries, Air Forces ) now are granted Terror Drone Spawn Upgrade.

 Infantries can garrison in all Wall Pieces.

 All Base Defense can get level up.

 Allied Mirage Tank's main weapon, Prism Tower's main weapon, Soviet Tesla Weapon, Toxic weapon now all can instant-kill frozen units/structures.

 Allied Cryocopter, Soviet Twinblade Helicopter, Soviet Kirov Airship now creats from area above Airfield.

 Only 1 single Tech Structure is allowed to build now.

 Time Bomb now can be sucked into space by Magnetic Satellite.

 More player colors are now available.

 All units will be granted an extra 5% moving speed after each level upgrade.

Bug Fixs:

 Fix the BUG that move along with Wall Piece will lead to game crash.

 Fix the BUG that Assault Destroyer & Athena Cannon's Special Ability visual effect can't be displayed correctly while under Iron Curtain Effect.

 Fix the BUG that Allied Destroyer & Allied Athena Cannon can't use their Special Ability while shot by Soviet Terror Drone's Paralyze Laser.

 Fix the BUG that Allied Aircraft Carrier can't take off Attack Drones to attack after shot by Soviet Terror Drone's Paralyze Laser.

 Fix the BUG that Empire Emperor Mecha can't be captured by engineers after being sniped.

 Fix the BUG that move along with Soviet Crane will lead to game crash.

 Fix the BUG that Soviet terror drone can paralyze units at factory door which lead to unit manufacture failure. And its paralyze effect will disappear
 immediately once paralyze laser stops attack.

 Fix the problem that Tesla Trooper firing at his face.

Allied Data Change List:

 Allied Peacekeeper now can be granted High Tech Upgrade, his main weaopon Shotgun can only turn over enemy infantries after High Tech Upgraded.

 Allied Multi-gunner can garrison Soviet Terror Drone, Paralyze Laser as its weapon.

 Allied Mirage Tank's main weapon attack range raised from 125/150 to 150/175 (Before Veteran / After Veteran), Laser Scatter Radius increase 100%。

 Allied Athena Cannon now has a new weapon.

 Allied Dolphin now set as submarine type, its Jump Special Ability now cause damage to enemy infantries in water.

 Allied Hydrofoil's main weapon now shoots 10 bullets per clip, reload time is 1 second.

 Allied Vindicator now can drop bombs immediately after being built.

 Allied Apollo Fighter's weapon attack range decreased form 200 to 175, firing speed incread 50%, add an veteran bullet effect, Ammo amount increased 50% after veteran.

 Allied Century Bomber now fire missiles instead of drop bombs, attack range 225, same damage amount per Missile as Original does.

 Allied Assault Destroyer's Special Ability, Magnetic Armor, can be created at tartet now, at the mean time, activate a Magnetic Armor at itself, Special Ability reload
 time is 45 seconds, Magnetic Armor which is created lasts for 15 seconds, while its own one lasts for 30 seconds.

 Allied Aircraft Carrier's attack drones now can change target after take off, attack drones offer 200 exp. to attacker once being destroyed, add an radius cursor for Special Ability for easy targeting, EMP Cruise Missile now cause some damage (same damage amount as Soviet Dreadnought's single missile), add some particle system for EMP effect, add an air force which can attacks airborne target.

 Allied OutPost ( expanded from allied miner ) now can build allied structures.
 after expanded, it can build Powerplant, Barracks, Refinery, Tech Structure, Wall, Multi-gunner Tower
 after purchase Allied Tech 1, can build extra structures based on above, such as War Factory, Prism Tower
 after purchase Allied Tech 2, can build extra structures based on above, such as Naval Yard, Air Base, Super Weapon

Empire Data Change List:

 Imperial Warrior now can accept Enhanced Kamikaze upgrade, after upgraded, they can attack Structures during Special Ability activated period, Special Ability
 duration time lasts for 30 seconds.

 Empire Dojo can train Archer Maidens now.

 Empire Yuriko's Traning cost increased by 10%, now she'll cost 2200. Her Sepicial Ability now can paralyze Structures for 5s/7.5s (before Veteran/after Veteran), she
 can't make an air crash to T3 unit any more, instead, cause a 4% damage of max health per 0.1 second (just like her normal weapon against infantry).

 Empire Wave Force Artillery now own a new weapon logic, it'll attack target continually (as it is a weapon hits target 100% without any missing), a new laser effect with a little visual change, a new special Ability named Honor Attack, brings 75 damage to allies & self units, affects units in range 300, and makes them have a buff that move speed decrease by 50%, armor decrease 25%, cause 200% damage to target.

 Empire Fighter Tengu ( Fighter Mode ) firing speed increased by 100%, damage amount increased by 8.7%.

 Empire Shogun Battleship now owns 2 guardian Fighter Aircraft, attack range 250 (1/3 of main weapon attack range), Main Weapon now shot double projectiles, weapon speed increased 33.33%, damage decreased 50%, add some particle system of projectile.

Soviet Data Change List:

 Soviet War Bear's Special Ability Roar now will cost money 3000 after mass production upgrade purchased, war bear will turn into Big Bear, which can attack vehicles & structures.

 Soviet Conscript's Main Weapon now have 20 scatter radius, 6 bullets per clip, damage amount decrease 40%, Molotov Cocktail bottles now have a veteran explosion effect.

 Soviet add Shadow Infantry, set as Infiltrator,Land/Airborne unit, use C4 attack vehicles, use Auto Cannon attack airborne targets.

 Soviet Terror Drone Melee weapon fire rate increased 50%.

 Soviet Terror Drone ( Hijack Drone )created from vehicles after upgraded Special Power "Terror Drone Spawn" will hijack targect ( except MCVs ) rather than cause damage inside target, but this will cost you money 1500 once intial hijack.

 Soviet Hammer Tank can leech Terror Drone, Paralyze Laser as its leeched weapon;Flame Thrower as its leeced weapon after leech Soviet Base Defense Ground

 Soviet now can construct Tesla Tank in Warfactory, it attacks enemies with its ball lightning, once shot, will cause a Storm in above area, which will attack units with lightning. Its Special Ability is Tesla Nova, spread electricity around, cause no damage, but affected units will activate an Tesla Nova which cause damage at self position, the more units together & exists, the greater the damage will cause.

 Soviet V4 Rocket Launcher's Rockets in precision mode are now able to half-track target unit, in "MIRV Mode", quantity of warheads has increased 50%.

 Soviet Mig Fighter's weapon attack range increased form 200 to 225, Ammo amount increased 25%, firing speed increased 40%, warhead damage radius increased 275%

 Soviet Dreadnought's V4 Rockets weapon are now able to halft-track target unit, add anti air weapon.

 Soviet Sentry Gun main weapon now use a flame thrower, can hurt units between target unit while they aligned at the same line.

 Soviet Super Reactor add some particle system for the explosion effect.

 Soviet Tech Structure's building precedure now is more like Allied type ( to prevent AI from building & cancel before finished over and over ).








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